Comment sont fabriqués vos vêtements ?

How are your clothes made?

Since its launch in 2012, Stanley/Stella has focused on simplicity, highlighting the very essence of clothing. The driving force of its founder, Jean Chabert: breaking the codes in order to change the perception of the textile industry. Offer products that respect people, the environment and customers.

> The Stanley/Stella charter.

Our planet faces enormous environmental, social and economic challenges. The fashion industry has a responsibility to respond to these challenges and changing needs around the world. Sustainable development and respect for our planet and its people have always been at the heart of Stanley/Stella’s activities.
We know that our planet's natural resources are precious and limited. Stanley/Stella wants to take responsibility to preserve soil, water, air and biodiversity. Concretely, by not using any harmful materials or chemical substances, by reducing carbon emissions and by encouraging circularity, that is to say by limiting waste from products and packaging at the level of production and consumption.

> Stanley/Stella's commitment objectives towards man.

Like most international fashion brands, Stanley/Stella does not own the spinning mills, factories and production sites that make your clothes.
Our partner has developed several tools and policies to clearly document and communicate the social requirements that suppliers agree to respect.
The teams posted to Asia develop action plans using various reports and monitoring tools. These include:
A sustainability observation report that provides an overview of social security, infrastructure safety, fire risk and health safety in partner factories.
An annual monitoring tool composed of 100 environmental, social and safety criteria.
A code of conduct that defines essential, fair and ethical principles and practices at work, in particular, the prohibition of child labor, non-discrimination, the prohibition of forced and compulsory labor and disciplinary measures, freedom of association, remuneration, health and social security.

> Decent salaries.

Stanley/Stella has chosen to work with the most ethical and responsible factories, and ensures that they all pay decent wages, commensurate with the cost of living.
Partner factories guarantee workers a legal minimum wage and essential legal benefits such as in-house childcare, maternity leave and medical coverage.
But that's not all: they also benefit from free transport, performance and presenteeism bonuses and a progressive salary scale.
Since 2020, Stanley/Stella has supported fair price grocery stores that provide some 38,000 workers at Interstoff, Meghna and Aus Bangla factories with foods such as rice, red lentils, salt and sugar at almost half price.

> Local projects.

Access to clean, safe and reliable water is essential for human health and dignity, but it also contributes significantly to the livelihoods of many people, particularly in small-scale agri-food industries.
In 2022, Stanley/Stella collaborated with Pratima, its ginning partner in India, to launch a first project in favor of an isolated community living in the village of Bhejiguda, in the Balangir district of Odisha. There, access to clean and safe drinking water has always been a challenge, as the community does not have electricity. Wells and ponds are their only sources of water, forcing women to travel long distances to fetch drinking water when these dry up during the summer.
In July 2022, Stanley/Stella installed a solar-powered submersible pump to provide reliable access to drinking water throughout the year. A financially and ecologically sustainable project, since it is based on solar energy and has improved the quality of life of the entire community.

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